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Nothing is more frustrating than a website that takes forever to load. Web users today have short attention spans and will abandon pages and websites that take too long to load. The speed with which a website loads has always been an essential factor in determining website enjoyment. Mobile access to web content is rapidly increasing. Despite network improvements, accessing web content via a mobile device such as a phone or tablet is frequently a hit-or-miss affair. Google prefers pages that load quickly and offers a Page Speed Insights tool that provides valuable recommendations for improving page speed. Here are some suggestions from us to help you speed up the loading of your website:


  1. Decrease redirects on your site

Reduce the number of redirects on your website if you want it to load quickly. When you use redirects on your website, it causes an extra HTTP request-response cycle. This increases the time it takes for your site to load. This additional time slows your site down, but you can improve your average website load time by reducing redirects.


  1. Optimize your images

Large images are the culprit 99% of the time when a website’s page speed is slow. A single large, unoptimized image on a website can add valuable seconds to load time, even if nothing else is wrong. A single full-size, high-resolution image from a stock photo website can range between 20 and 30MB in size. If you have a lot of large images on your website, resize them to fit their container for page speed optimisation.


  1. Use browser caching

Browser caching is essential for a quick-loading website. Every time someone visits your page, your website must reload all its elements. If they have to do this every time they visit your site, it can cause it to load slowly. Because your website does not have to load everything, it will load faster.


  1. Minify your code

To make code easier to read and understand, developers write each section on a new line. On the other hand, each new line of code adds time to the load because there is more for the system to crawl through. Minifying CSS and JavaScript files can help avoid this by removing unnecessary lines, breakpoints, spaces, or tabs. You can use code compression tools to see if it improves page speed.


  1. Use a CDN

A CDN allows your audience to access your content more quickly. Processing requests takes longer when your site is heavily trafficked. As a result, your website slows down while attempting to process these requests. Even if you don’t have a lot of traffic, people far away from your server may notice the site slowing down. You can help reduce that slow load time by using a CDN. Instead of using your server, you cache your website on a global network of servers.


  1. Minimize HTTP requests

HTTP requests are used to load images, scripts, and other resources. More HTTP requests will be generated if your site is busy and has many components. This increase in HTTP requests can cause your website to slow down. To reduce these requests, simplify the design of your website. When removed, you may discover a few unnecessary elements that will allow you to improve your average website load time.


Do you need assistance optimising and speeding up your website? Contact today to talk about your desired website project.


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